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Biafra–UN finally gives 4 conditions for Biafra Referendum during UN general meeting

Biafra – UN finally gives 4 conditions for Biafra Referendum during UN general

Many people are shaking with anticipation due to the Biafra referendum coming soon. The date has been recently revealed at the Ongoing UN General Assembly Meeting in the USA, and many rejoiced at the news.

Nigerian media outlets are always buzzing with news about Biafra. People keep talking about it, whether praising it or disapproving of the whole idea. Its believers and supporters never cease their efforts to make Biafra independent, while people that are against Biafra keep on bashing them. The most recent development has shook everyone once again. And it is the news of the upcoming referendum for Biafra.

The month of August ended with a hopeful promise for the country of Biafra. The United States President Donald Trump allegedly announced the Biafra referendum date which was to be deliberated on during the Ongoing UN General Assembly. It is to be held on November 21, 2017. This news was shared on Facebook by the Indigenous People of Biafra (or IPOB for short) representative in the US, Candy Stallworth.

This development has been a long time coming. For years, members of IPOB and other pro-Biafra organizations have been rallying and protesting, trying to make their voice heard by the Nigerian government. For example, before the date for the referendum was announced, IPOB threatened to sabotage the government elections in Anambra State which led to the ongoing Operation Python Dancegoing on in the region which is being carried out by men of the Nigerian military to foster peace in the region. Now that the date for the referendum is set, they are one step closer to the recognition of Biafra.

Biafra supporters and believers rejoice, as they see this referendum as a guarantee that Biafra will rise again. Their positive attitude is also fueled by government officials from other countries. State representatives from Great Britain and Turkey voiced their support of the movement for the independence of Biafra.

The referendum which was voted YES by majority of the Nations present at the ongoing UNGA including the United states and Turkey will only be carried out in the region if Biafrans meet the 4 conditions given by the UN body.


1 comment:

  1. Who is Candy Stalwart? Some of the news are not real, the real news is that the issue of Biafra is on course, but no date yet.

